Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well, I haven't really made anything creative - I really haven't had time (though my dinner tonight might be photo-worthy). With the exception of this past Monday when I had a sandwich on a white roll and a milkshake (yes, very bad), I've been good. Bought some more healthy goodies like roasted soybeans to squash the craving for salty crunchy snacks (I don't really like the soybeans, so I don't eat that much hahahaha), Luna bars, which are made for women and apparently have a low glycemic index, some Organic Quinoa from TJ's, a "sprouted wheat berry flourless" bread at TJ's that's really not that bad, some Barilla Plus pasta (I hope it tastes good), etc.

As for the "diet," I am trying to understand the combining aspects. I got one of Montignac's newer editions from the library and will take it home when I see my parents. Yes, that's going to make things difficult - it will be white bread, potatoes, rice, Chinese food, dessert, and other such unhealthy stuff galore :( I'll try to do the best I can but it's going to make things difficult. So I figure I will use the week and a half to just let myself be spoiled and enjoy these things (some of which, like the Chinese fried rice and prime rib and stuff, I literally can't even get here so it's not like it will make me crave it forever), and then come back and really get in gear and do it right. One exciting thing is that this newer Montignac book has a really amazing-looking recipe for chocolate cake, the only ingredients are chocolate and eggs, so I can't wait to try this one!!!

Will keep you posted!


natalie said...

have you seen like, the slightest of change with the new diet?

Debra said...

well 1) it was only for like a week and i wasn't *really* doing it right, 2) I don't own a scale and 3) my parents do say they think it looks like I lost some weight, so maybe? I think the real test will be after I get back and really try to do it more seriously... |:

I've only been here a day and have had all kinds of shit *sob*

natalie said...

oooooooooooo |:

well, you're on a break! hee hee